Is it God's Voice or My Own Thoughts?
As a community here at Laurent Paper Co., we are always seeking continual, interactive communion with the God who speaks today. We want to hear His voice and follow His leading for our lives.
But it's so often that we find it hard to distinguish between God's still small voice and our own. How can we know that it's God speaking and not our own thoughts?
While I cannot offer a definitive answer in every situation for you, I do think there are signs and filters we can use that might be helpful in coming to the conclusion for ourselves. In this post, we'll explore some things to consider when discerning for yourself whether God is speaking to you.
First, and most importantly, God's voice will not contradict His word in the Bible.
I know that this is said often and feels like a cop-out, but it's actually the basis for all the other filters I'm going to share below. The better you get to know God and His character in His word, the better you know yourself, and the better you know His voice. He is your friend! And the longer you spend time with Him in the Bible the better you will recognize Him speaking through other means in your life.
With that foundation laid, here are four other filters to use to help you discern whether it's God speaking to you:
If you are in Christ, God's voice convicts but doesn't condemn.
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering." Romans 8:1-3
As believers, we can enjoy the peace of knowing that while the Spirit will continue to point out ways in which we have strayed from God and ask us to correct our path, He does so out of love and does not condemn us to punishment for our sins.
JESUS took our punishment so that we could instead receive His righteous standing. Because of His sacrifice, when we feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we can repent, correct our actions and move forward, knowing that our sins are forgiven, covered, and cleansed.
God's voice is encouraging and positive, cutting through our negative thought patterns and spirals.
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
There are so many verses I can put here, but these are good examples of how positive God's voice will sound in our lives. It is His will that we will be always rejoicing, praying, and thankful. It is His will that we will be filled with all the fruits of the Spirit.
Sometimes I give myself too much credit. When I'm in a negative thought loop or spiral, and then an encouraging thought comes to me that gets me out of the spiral and leads me to have a fruit of the Spirit again, I'm tempted to give myself credit.
But I'm realizing lately that this is pride. After all, in how many low moments did I really want to have a better attitude but couldn't find a thought that helped? Do we really have as much power as we think we do to bring ourselves into a place of joy, peace, and love?
The more I know God, the more I know myself. The more I realize that I don't have the resources within myself to lift myself out of these dark spirals. I can read all the affirmation lists in the world, but if God doesn't speak to my heart and remind me of His truth and love, I can't make it stick or have an effect on my heart and mind.
But when I thought comes that encourages me, helps me move to a place of gratitude, joy, peace, and love, I know that it is God doing so in me through His word, and not my own thoughts.
God's voice doesn't feed your self-pity or self-righteousness, but does carry a sense of His compassion.
"Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:4-6
These verses talk about the ministry of Jesus to both sinners and sufferers. Too often in this world, we are competing for the labels of most victimized or the one who has suffered the most. Then it can be all to easy for us to hide behind these labels and tell ourselves that our self-pity, our self-righteousness, our hatred, our (insert sinful attitude here) are all warranted.
Jesus sees our pain and takes it seriously. It was compassion for our pain that led Him to leave His place in heaven and come to us in the first place. It was compassion that led Him to heal the sick and raise the dead and give God's word to the people. He more than anyone knows and grieves our pain and suffering that we endure in our lives.
But Jesus will not shy away from calling us out of sin, and will not give our sin a free pass because we suffer. He knows that sin is ultimately the most serious source of our suffering, and that each of us is both sinner and sufferer in need of His healing, forgiveness, and love. He ultimately had the best excuse to give into self-pity and self-righteousness, as the Son of God who never sinned, but He chose instead to walk in humility, and chose love.
When you hear a voice that both treats your sin with seriousness while also expressing compassion and love for you, know that that's God.
God's voice brings us out of ourselves.
"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." Hebrews 13:16
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
"Do everything without grumbling or arguing." Philippians 2:14
We are the main characters of our own stories, and frequently filter life through that lens. When we talk with God, our own desires, struggles and thoughts frequently dominate our prayer lives.
But I have found for myself that God frequently brings me out of my own self-focus by speaking about how I can be generous and compassionate towards others. He will speak into our situations with love and compassion, yes. But part of that love and compassion will call us out of ourselves and towards a life of love towards others.
It was Jesus' calling here on earth to serve rather than be served, and it is HIS mission that we are on everyday. Of course His Spirit will speak to us about how to give to others!
In general, I have found that God's voice is MORE than my own in every respect. It is MORE compassionate, towards me and towards others. MORE peaceful. MORE honest about the truth of the situation and the truth about my heart, and yet full of MORE grace. MORE honest about the facts of the earthly reality while also being MORE connected to eternal reality. As I hear from Him, I learn more about His heart and my own heart is shaped to be more like His.
What other filters do you find helpful in discerning whether it's God's voice or your own?